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Celebrating Imbolc: Honoring the Arrival of Spring with Brigid

Enchanted Scribe

As spring approaches and days get longer, we invite Brigid with candlelight to bless us with all we hope to bring into the world in the coming months.

Imbolc is one of the four festival gateways into the seasons, spanning from February 1st to sundown on February 2nd. This festival marks the halfway point between winter solstice and spring equinox in Neolithic Ireland and Scotland.

Imbolc is a celebration of fertility, which honors the growth of new baby animals and plants in the coming months. It is also a time to focus on light and new life, thus sometimes referred to as the Feast of Lights. Brigid’s Day is another name for Imbolc, as Brigid is the goddess of the hearth, the forge, and poetry. She was also known as the Guardian of the Eternal Flame of Kildare and is a triple goddess whose maiden aspect is honored during Imbolc.

As we approach spring, we can welcome Brigid and her light into our homes with inviting rituals.

Welcoming Brigid Ritual

  •  Cover your altar with a white cloth. 

  •  Arrange tea candles in a semi-circle on your altar, with the open side facing you.

  •  Surround the candles with any greenery you can find. Just be sure you don't use holly or any other plants associated with Yule.

  •  Place a small wicker basket in the center of your altar. 

  •  If possible, make a small figure out of straw to resemble Brigid, dress her in white cloth, and place her in the basket. If this is not possible, find something to symbolize her: a bag of rice, a white shell, or a white crystal.  

  •  Think about all the gifts the sun gives us - life, food, warmth. Think about how as the sun grows, food grows, we grow, etc. 

  •  Sit facing east while holding your symbol of Brigid. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths to center yourself, and say the following words: 

We welcome you, Bride, on Candlemas Eve, 

We pray for your blessing, new life to receive,

O Mother of Poetry, teach us your art,

That your inspiration may enter each heart.

O Mistress of Magic that stands by the fire

And shapes the bright metal to the form you desire;

O Mother of Smithcraft, please teach us your art,

That the power of changing may enter each heart.

You kindle the springtime to quicken the earth, 

From under your mantle, the old has new birth, 

O Mother of Healing, please teach us your art,

That peace and contentment may enter each heart.


A woman in a forest surrounded by snowdrops holding a lantern
Wall Art of Brigid available in my Etsy shop.

I always like to mention that you don't ever need to plan out a big ritual to honor Brigid. You can simply light a candle in the evening.

More Ways to Celebrate Imbolc

  • Clear clutter and purify your home. Be sure to get rid of any lingering Yule decorations.

  • Plant seeds inside your house so they're ready when the weather warms.

  • Burn white or green candles in your home at night. 

  • If there are dandelions where you are, wash and eat in your salad. The golden faces are a reminder of the sun's return. 

  • Bake bread and soup with the intention of baking love and protection for your family into it.

  • Measure a ribbon and place it on your doorstep or in a bush outside for Brigid to bless. In the morning, measure it again to see if it grew. This is Brigid's mantle and can be used for healing. 

  • Drink a glass of milk and give thanks to the cow that made it. (The cow is Brigid's sacred animal.)

  • Plan your spring garden.

Imbolc Tarot Spread

Imbolc Tarot Spread from 2024 Sabbat Guide, Celebrating Imbolc with Brigid
Imbolc Tarot Spread from 2024 Sabbat Guide

All of this information about Imbolc, plus so much more, can be found in my 2024 Sabbat Guide.

I wish you an Imbolc filled with Love and Light. 💚🕯️


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