“The Force is not a power you have. It’s not about lifting rocks. It’s the energy between all things, a tension, a balance, that binds the universe together.” — Luke

I’m going to let you in on a little secret… We are all Force sensitive. Here in our galaxy, we call it intuition.
The concept of the Force is an awareness of all that is around us or an awakening of one’s spirituality (which includes the acceptance of oneness), and also to an awakening of one’s intuitive abilities.
Our intuition is connected to our third eye or 6th chakra. The Third eye chakra (luminous or transparent blue or purple) is associated with the pineal gland, which is a pine cone shaped gland located in the center of the brain. It helps to regulate our circadian rhythms and produces melatonin when it’s dark. It also reduces the amount of melatonin it produces in the light, which causes us to awaken.
This “awakening” has more than one meaning. If we tap into our third eye, we can increase our intuition. Sometimes, we subconsciously hear a call or feel a pull toward something and we’re not sure where it came from or why. It’s your intuition calling. You just have to focus and listen.
Tapping into our intuition helps us see the more subtle qualities of reality. It goes beyond our physical senses into the realm of energy. Awakening your third eye allows you to open up to an intuitive sensibility and inner perception.
Today, I’m sharing with you two of my favorite worksheets to help you combat the darkness in your life and tap into your intuition.
Click the links below to grab them and then let me know in the comments if they helped you!
“The Force will be with you. Always.” — Obi-Wan Kenobi