Tamed Wild is a website for the spiritual leaning metaphysical lover. I have been lurking around Tamed Wild’s website for a while, just watching and enjoying the view, but not ordering anything.
…until I saw the October subscription box’s contents. I had to subscribe.
The October box is all about celebrating Samhain and helping you get in touch with loved ones beyond the veil, as well as your higher self. This box came with:
Divination Tarot Cloth
This velvety black altar cloth is perfect for divination of Samhain night
Brass Pendulum
Brass pendulums are protective and can enhance communication. This one is well-made and has a good weight.
Gold Plated Hermit Charm
A fabulous little replica of the Hermit tarot card.
Selenite Wand
Oh my gods, this wand is so beautiful! It’s said that selenite wand is named after the Greek goddess of the Moon, Selene, because of how beautifully it reflects light.
3 Card Tarot Pull
The cards I got are The Emperor, The Three of Swords, and The Four of Pentacles from a traditional Rider Waite tarot deck.
76 Page Tarot Booklet (by @allmyancestors )
This little book gives short, succinct meanings for all 78 cards of traditional tarot. And as an added bonus, it’s small enough to fit in my purse.
Full Moon Artisan Tea
This is a delicious black tea blend that has just the right amount of fruitiness.
Grimoire Cards detailing The History of Samhain & Hosting a Dumb Supper
These cards do more than detail the history of Samhain & Hosting a Dumb Supper. They also describe the boxes contents and how to use each item.

*Cat not included
Needless to say, I am no longer lurking in the shadows at Tamed Wild and I can’t wait to see what next month’s box brings.
To view or visit, go to https://tamedwild.com/.
This blog post has not been sponsored by Tamed Wild.