Yes, you read that right – TWO unboxings in one post! Amazing, right!?
Actually, January was a super busy month for me, and I didn’t even open my January box until the beginning of February. Thus, a twofer.
January’s box centers around creating a time capsule and setting your intention for it. It also has elements of protection. I absolutely love everything about this box, which contains:
Embroidered Eye of Ra Canvas Bag
Beautiful design and embroidery! Perfect for carrying around gemstones or other little trinkets in a purse or backpack.
Sterling Silver Charm Bracelet and Sterling Silver Eye of Ra Amulet
Gorgeous little bracelet and charm! There is a minor blip about this – the box contents labels it as the Eye of Ra, but the description says it’s the Eye of Horus. Based on the direction of the charm I got, it’s the Eye of Ra. The Eye of Ra is drawn as the right eye, while the Eye of Horus is drawn as the left (think of it as looking at a person and their right is your left and vice versa).
The Eye of Ra can repel negative energy and restore harmony. Read more about the Eye of Ra here.
100-page Lunar Intentions Book written by Riss of @allmyancestors.
This is a detailed journal that includes deities and zodiac signs representing each month, New and Full moon spreads ideas for each month, intention rituals, and so much more! Serious kudos to allmyancestors!
Protection Salts
This is an adorable little jar filled with salt and an anise seed pod – very handy!
Obsidian Arrowheads
Omg! I love these so much! Obsidian is a protective stone and blocks negativity. It can absorb negative energies and help release stress and tension. Black obsidian, in particular, can boost creativity and help with self-control by restoring balance.
Glass Vial
An adorable little vial – perfect for adding an element, such as water or earth, to represent the intention set for the time capsule.
Witch’s Wheel and Witches Alphabet cards
I just love the creativity that went into January’s box! Each description card has “Tamed Wild” etched in the Witch’s Alphabet. It was super fun translating it and learning how to use the Witch’s Wheel to create a sigil!
This is definitely one of my favorite Tamed Wild Boxes so far! Even Angus likes it 🙂

On to February!
While this month’s box is about love, its focus is not on romantic love but rather, how we can spread love and be a beacon of love to others. There are romantic elements in the booklet, don’t worry, but it’s centered around the heart and heart chakra. Here’s what was inside:
Heart Chakra Tea
A blend of hibiscus, lemon balm, clove, and lavender. It smells incredible and tastes great! I like it best after has had a little time to cool. Plus, it’s pink! ❤
Love Stories of Myth & Lore written by @k8belew and @eastandalchemy
This little booklet is full of mythic and folkloric short romantic retellings ranging from Lilith and Adam to Cleopatra to 1001 Nights. It’s full of gorgeous illustrations representing the powerful women or elements in these stories.
Set of 5 Notecards & Envelopes
These notecards are beautifully illustrated with a different image on each one.
The ritual card suggests sending them to your childhood self, your present self, your future self, a mentor or deity, a stranger, a friend, or anyone!
I love the idea of sending ourselves cards with positive intentions. I also love the alternative suggestion of burning the letters and sending them energetically.
Wax Seal & Stamp Kit
I used this already to send out a card to a loved one. It turned out beautifully.
Wild Witch Cuticle Oil by @dana_nailjunkie
This oil contains vitamin E and almond oil, and it smells fantastic! (and obviously… I need it)
Set of 2 Agate Hearts
Oh, these two hearts are just flipping perfect! Agate, in general, can help to ground and balance the wearer. Black agate works to remove negative energy and replace a restless mind with all the stillness and calm of a peaceful night. White agate helps to create balance and can promote healing.

I know what I’ll be doing this weekend – sending myself love letters while creating sigils and wearing my Eye of Ra charm bracelet!
Love and Light to you all!
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